Cystic Fibrosis Trust Homepage
Physically Well
Together, we can live without the physical challenges of cystic fibrosis.

Information & support

Make your cuppa count in FeBrewary
Host a tea party this month and raise vital funds to help us achieve a life unlimited.

Current issues
Find out about Creon shortages, I-neb nebulisers, and the cost of living crisis, what we're doing to help resolve these issues, and how we can support you.

CF never lets you have a day off
Cystic fibrosis is a life-limiting, genetic condition without a cure. It dominates thousands of lives every day. You never get a day off when you have CF.
More from Cystic Fibrosis Trust
Contact our friendly Helpline team who can provide you with information about any aspect of living with cystic fibrosis.

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