Virtual Care in CF (VIRTUAL-CF)


Therapeutic approach
Trial status
Closed with results Participating Centres
Trials Tracker ID
Last updated

Full title

Virtual Care in CF (VIRTUAL-CF)

Study details

This study aims to find out if CF patients benefit from ‘virtual care’ while they are receiving intravenous (IV) antibiotics in the community. ‘Virtual care’ is a term that we are using to describe the provision of regular videoconferencing with the CF team as well as equipment to allow patients to monitor their own lung function and oxygen saturations.

Not applicable
Length of participation
2 weeks
Recruitment target
CF sponsor
Heart of England NHS Trust
CF sponsor type

Who can take part?

Age range
18 years and older
Including people

Age 18 years and older
Patient has been assessed by the clinical team to require a course of community-delivered intravenous antibiotics

Excluding people

Patients who are currently participating in another clinical trial (excluding observational studies)

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CF centres running this trial


Birmingham Heartlands Hospital (Adults)

CTAP centre
NHS Trust
University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust
Bordesley Green
B9 5SS
Local site investigator
Edward Nash
Trial Coordinators
Aoife Neal