Other financial resources

Have a look at what support other organisations provide, including the Turn2Us grants finder and Disability Grants to check for grants you might be eligible for.

  • Organisations that provide financial support

    The League of the Helping Hand provides financial support to people in the UK who are experiencing hardship due to illness or disability. They also provide assistance to carers of disabled children and adults.

    The Family Fund helps families across the UK who are caring for a severely disabled or ill child under 16 years of age at home. Their grants can help with driving lessons, hospital visiting costs, domestic appliances, holidays, furniture and furnishings, moving home and decorating costs.

    Family Action provides a wide variety of grants for families on low incomes or benefits, and can help with clothing, fuel bills, beds and bedding and household needs such as cookers and other appliances.

    React is a charity that offers practical support for families of children with a life-limiting illness by providing essential needs. This includes help towards travelling expenses, home nursing, clothing and bedding, domestic appliances and funeral expenses. React is unique in its speedy response, sometimes within hours.

    You can also use the Turn2Us grants finder and the Disability Grants website to check for grants you might be eligible for.

  • Money worries

    If you have money worries, you can check out Money Helper for free guidance.

    Step Change can provide support and advice with debt.

  • Legal advice

    For legal advice, casework and representation, contact your local Law Centre. If you are eligible you may also be able to get support from Civil Legal Advice.

  • Housing

    Your local councilCitizen's Advice or Shelter may be able to provide you with some advice on your housing situation.

  • Support for single parents

    For expert advice and practical support for single parents, get in touch with Gingerbread.

  • NI specialist CF advice service

    We part-fund a specialist advice service in Northern Ireland: the Belfast CF teams can put their patients in touch with this service.

  • Mental health

    If financial worries are affecting your mental health please talk to your CF team or your GP, or you can call the Samaritans any time on 116 123.

  • Our Helpline

    Don’t forget that we offer free, non-judgmental advice and support through our Helpline. You can get in touch at [email protected] or by calling 0300 373 1000.

    Everyone needs a helping hand sometimes, whether it's guidance with a specific problem or just a friendly, knowledgeable person to chat to.

    Our Helpline can also arrange for you to have personalised advice from our Welfare and Rights Advisor or our Welfare Officer, who can help you understand your rights and the options available.


We provide a range of welfare grants to help in times of financial need. These include grants for emergencies, transplant assessment, health and wellbeing, holidays, home care, education and funerals.

Other financial support

We support people with cystic fibrosis and their families every step of the way, from welfare grants, support applying for benefits and information and advice for times in financial need. 


Our confidential Helpline offers a listening ear, as well as information and support on any aspect of cystic fibrosis, including financial support such as benefits and our welfare grants.

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