Rollover Study to Evaluate the Safety and Efficacy of Long-term Treatment With Lumacaftor in Combination With Ivacaftor


Therapeutic approach
Restore CFTR Function
Trial status
Closed with results Participating Centres
Trials Tracker ID
Last updated

Full title

A Phase 3, Rollover Study to Evaluate the Safety and Efficacy of Longterm Treatment With Lumacaftor in Combination With Ivacaftor in Subjects Aged 6 Years and Older With Cystic Fibrosis, Homozygous for the F508delCFTR Mutation

Study details

This study will look at whether two drugs (called lumacaftor and ivacaftor) can help treat cystic fibrosis when taken together over a long period of time. It will also look at whether they are safe over this period.

You can only take part in this study if you took part in a study called VX14-809-109, and if you meet certain criteria. These criteria will be checked by the study doctor and nurse at a screening visit. If you meet these criteria you will be treated with lumacaftor and ivacaftor together for approximately 96 weeks. A follow up visit will be held 28 days after the last dose of lumacaftor and ivacaftor. You will need to attend the clinic for 15 visits over the study duration and will undergo a range of tests.

Participants who stopped taking the study drugs early in the VX14-809-109 study will be invited to take part in an observational study. They will not receive the study drug but will receive regular phone calls.

Phase 3
Length of participation
96 weeks
Recruitment target
CF sponsor
Vertex Pharmaceuticals Incorporated
CF sponsor type

Who can take part?

Age range
6 years and older
Including people

Homozygous for the F508del-CFTR mutation
Weight >= 15Kg

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CF centres running this trial



CTAP centre
NHS Trust
The Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
St James's University Hospital
Beckett Street
Local site investigator
Tim Lee
Trial Coordinators
Yasmin Khanagha
Helen Chadwick

Manchester (Adults) - Wythenshawe Hospital

CTAP centre
NHS Trust
Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust
Wythenshawe Hospital
South Moor Road
M23 9LT
Local site investigator
Peter Barry
Trial Coordinators
Sarah Sampson

Royal Brompton Hospital (London)

CTAP centre
NHS Trust
Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
Royal Brompton Hospital
Sydney Street
Local site investigator
Jane Davies
Trial Coordinators
Sophie Pinnell