Cystic fibrosis for teachers

Need help supporting a student with CF in your class? Creating a lesson plan on CF and want to find out more about the condition? You've come to the right place!

Resources for teachers

Interactive body

People with CF often look healthy, but it’s a life-limiting condition that affects those living with it in a number of ways. We’ve created an interactive body where you can find out all about the different ways that CF affects men and women. With sections on the lungs, digestive system, bones and reproductive system, this fantastic resource can be a great way for your students to get to grips with all the different ways CF affects the body.


Open CF: What's it all about? | A film for children video

CF: What's it all about? | A film for children

Join Layla, Zaara, Jason, Jack and Noah as we find out more about cystic fibrosis (CF)!

Open The A to Z of cystic fibrosis | What is cystic fibrosis? video

The A to Z of cystic fibrosis | What is cystic fibrosis?

From A to Z, find out more about what cystic fibrosis is and how it affects your friend.

Open The rest is up to me (a guide for friends) | for older children and teens video

The rest is up to me (a guide for friends) | for older children and teens

Hear from six young people about what it's like to live with cystic fibrosis.

Open Starting school: Teachers Q&A | Life with CF | Cystic Fibrosis video

Starting school: Teachers Q&A | Life with CF | Cystic Fibrosis

What do you do if a new pupil who has cystic fibrosis joins the school? Teacher Fionnuala and inclusion officer Claire speak about what they learnt supporting a child with the condition.

The IVs and the Pseudomonas

Working with Cystic Fibrosis Trust, 11-year-old Pippa Miles used her love of sci-fi to write a story to help overcome her fear of needles. The IVs and the Pseudomonas is a great resource for young children with cystic fibrosis.

Check out the book

kids running in school uniform

Fundraising at school

Getting your school involved in fundraising can be great fun. Whether you're bouncing, baking or taking part in a sponsored event, we'll be here to support you every step of the way.

Factsheet for teachers

We've put together important information about CF that can help you to teach about the condition accurately and sensitively if you have a child with CF in your class.

Me and CF factsheet

If you have a student with CF in your class you may want to download our Me and CF factsheet, which has useful information on what it's like to be a young person with CF in school.

My friend has CF

Find out more about the condition and how young people can support their friends or people in their class who might have it.

Page last reviewed: October 2024

Next review due: October 2025

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