Clinical Advisory Group
The Clinical Advisory Group (CAG) is a group of professionals from across the cystic fibrosis (CF) multidisciplinary team that offers advice and guidance to Cystic Fibrosis Trust on clinical matters.
What is the role of CAG?
The three main roles of CAG are to:
- ensure effective communication between the Trust and CF multi-disciplinary teams, people with CF and their families
- advise on Trust publications that contain clinical and medical content, from factsheets to consensus documents, to ensure they are accurate and up to date
- advise the Trust on clinical and medical affairs and programmes of work
Who is in CAG?
CAG is made up of a representative of each discipline on the CF multidisciplinary team to ensure all materials receive essential input from all aspects of the clinical care pathway. These include a clinician, physiotherapist, dietitian, psychologist, pharmacist and others. CAG is includes representation from people with CF and parents of children with CF,to ensure that the voices of the CF community are represented in the Trust’s publications. The chair of CAG is Dr Keith Brownlee, Director of Medical Affairs at the Cystic Fibrosis Trust.
If you have any questions on CAG or their current work, please email [email protected].
We have factsheets, information packs and publications on everything from transplant to starting school.
What is CF?
Cystic fibrosis, or CF, affects the lungs, digestive system and other organs. There are around 11,000 people living with it in the UK.
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