
Take a look at our in-depth information booklets, factsheets and leaflets, which cover a whole range of issues that can affect people living with cystic fibrosis (CF).

Secondary school guide for parents

We have booklets, factsheets, leaflets and more that cover a number of topics, ranging from issues surrounding diagnosis and screening to support with housing and prescription charges.

For more information, or to order any of our information packs, please contact our Helpline.

You can also browse the catalogue of all our information resources.

Download the catalogue

Reading material

We have plenty of publications about living with cystic fibrosis, from factsheets and booklets to our CF Life magazine, featuring real-life stories.

Find support

There's loads of support available for people with cystic fibrosis and their families, from grants to help with benefits.

Research areas

Researchers are investigating a range of issues related to cystic fibrosis, from transplants to bacterial infections and gene therapy.

Page last reviewed: October 2024
Next review due: October 2025

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