
Here, you can find out more about cystic fibrosis (CF) and double lung transplant, liver transplant and other organ transplants. You can also find our transplant information resources for adults and children with CF, and their friends and family, to help them understand what it might mean for their loved one.

Some people with cystic fibrosis may need a transplant if standard treatments are no longer working as well as they should.

The main transplants that people with CF may need are lungs or liver. For some people with CF, other organs may need to be transplanted (including the liver or the pancreas) because of the damage the condition can inflict on the whole of the body.

  • Transplant booklets

    We've worked with people with cystic fibrosis (CF), their families and CF and transplant clinicians to create three booklets on transplant:

    Our resources are free to download and order, but we would be very grateful if you would consider making a donation to help us continue our important work.

  • Order transplant booklets

    Order the transplant booklets direct to your door for free using our online form or by contacting our Helpline.

    Order transplant booklets now

     Our resources are free to download and order, but we would be very grateful if you would consider making a donation to help us continue our important work.

  • Transplant FAQs

    Get the basics about organ transplants, what the transplant process could involve and how you can act as a source of support for someone going through transplant.

    Get answers

  • How we’re working to make organs more available

    There is a shortage of suitable donor organs, and approximately a third of all those on the waiting list for a lung transplant will die before they receive a donor lung. We are committed to increasing access to successful lung transplants.

    Our Hope for More campaign

  • NHS Organ Donor Register

    Right now, there are around 6,300 people in the UK who need an organ transplant that could save their life or improve their quality of life, including around 70 people with CF waiting for vital organs.

    If you want to help someone live after your death, join the NHS Organ Donor Register and tell your family you want to donate.

Talking transplant podcast

Listen to our podcast all about transplant and CF. 

What is CF?

Cystic fibrosis, or CF, affects the lungs, digestive system and other organs, and there are over 10,600 people living with it in the UK.

Contact us

Get in touch with us to speak to someone on our Helpline, find out about an event or speak to our Press Team.

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