Current issues
If you're struggling with one of these issues, or something else, we're here to help.
Creon shortages
Some people with CF have been experiencing short-term interruptions in the supply of Creon. Find out more about the situation and what we're doing to help.
Creon is a vital medicine for many people with CF. Although Creon is still regularly coming into the UK, the supply issues may unfortunately continue for a while. We're working with everyone involved to highlight how important Creon is and to try to reduce the impact of these issues on people with CF.
Learn more about the Creon supply shortages
I-neb nebulisers
From 26 May 2024 Philips discontinued the I-neb nebuliser device. This means they will no longer be available to people who do not have one already. It will also impact maintenance of existing I-neb devices and access to consumables such as the chamber and discs used in the device.
We understand that many people with CF use I-neb nebuliser devices and this news may be unsettling. We have answered some questions about what the discontinuance means for people with CF.
Read our information about the I-neb nebuliser device situation
Cost of living
We know that the cost of living crisis is a concern for many in our community. We've put together the latest information, support and guidance about the cost of living with CF.
Staying safe in hot weather
As the weather gets warmer, people with cystic fibrosis may need to take extra care to look after their health. The advice given to everyone to stay cool, protect your skin from sunburn and drink lots of fluids still applies, but we've put together some additional guidance from medical professionals on staying safe in hot weather. Please speak to your CF team for further advice.
Here to help
If you’re struggling with any aspect of cystic fibrosis, we’re here to help. Contact our Helpline for support, a listening ear or just someone to talk to.
Support we offer
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How we can support you
Whatever you’re going through, we have a range of information and services to help lighten the load.