Cystic Fibrosis Trust responds to Statutory Sick Pay report

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The Work and Pensions Select Committee - which assesses the policies and spending of the Department for Work and Pensions, including benefits - have published a report recommending key changes to Statutory Sick Pay (SSP).

These recommendations are the outcome from a recent an inquiry looking into Statutory Sick Pay (SSP), which the Trust submitted evidence to. Our evidence included data showing that of people with CF in full-time, part-time employment or on a zero-hour contract, almost 1 in 4 (23.3%) had relied on Statutory Sick Pay (SSP). As well as findings from the University of Bristol’s report, The Financial Costs of Cystic Fibrosis, that 1 in 5 adults with CF reported receiving a lower level of pay at some point while they were sick in the last two years.

The Government now have up to two months to respond to the following key asks: 

  • Increase the rate of SSP
  • Allow phased returns to work to be compatible with SSP
  • Abolish having to earn over a certain amount to be eligible for SSP (Lower Earnings Limit threshold)
  • Make the self-employed eligible for SSP by creating an optional contributory sick pay scheme

These suggested changes are good news for people with cystic fibrosis who often find themselves more dependent on SSP than most workers as they are more prone to illnesses. The Government must now act on these to help ensure people with CF get the support they need to work and stay well.

However, it is disappointing to see that removing the three-day waiting period is not included in the recommendations and we urge for this be reviewed.

Ben Kind, Head of Policy and Public Affairs at Cystic Fibrosis Trust
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