Find out more about the paediatric feasibility study for SmartCareCF, investigating the possible benefits of monitoring some cystic fibrosis (CF) symptoms at home.

Happy boy running out of hospital

As part of Cystic Fibrosis Trust’s SmartCareCF initiative we are very excited to announce the opening of the paediatric project, CLIMB-CF, looking at the feasibility of monitoring the symptoms of young people with CF at home. 

What CLIMB-CF aims to achieve

If we can identify the forms of home monitoring that are feasible and acceptable to children, young people and their families, we may have the significant potential to benefit them in the future: examples could be targeted attendance at CF outpatient clinics and more autonomy over their health at home.

How the feasibility study works

This initial stage of the project is looking at how easy and acceptable home monitoring is. Young people and their families will be asked to monitor their CF at home for a total of six months while continuing with their normal clinical appointments; they will be provided with a mobile phone with the study app installed, a lung function monitor, an activity monitor, a thermometer, a heart rate and oxygen level monitor and weighing scales for use at home.  

The Royal Brompton Hospital in London is leading the study and opened to recruitment on Monday 16 January. Joining the study over the next few months will be: Great Ormond Street Hospital London, Alder Hey Children’s Hospital Liverpool, Royal Alexandra Children’s Hospital Brighton, Great North Children’s Hospital Newcastle Upon Tyne, and three hospitals that form part of North of Scotland Respiratory Network (NoSPRN): Ninewells Hospital, Dundee; Royal Aberdeen Children’s Hospital; and the cystic fibrosis outreach service in Inverness. 

This study has been met with positive and enthusiastic responses by all involved, demonstrating how close this project is to the hearts of paediatric CF teams.

How to find out more 

If your CF team is listed above you can contact them for more information about this project.


Research Fellow wins first place

Claire Edmondson, a Trust-funded Research Fellow for CLIMB-CF, won first place at Imperial College’s Graduate School Summer Showcase. The poster details the process that was undertaken to test two potential designs for the study app. Children and members of the Trust’s Youth Advisory Group took part in the app testing and gave their feedback. The most popular design, and ideas from these groups about how the app should work, were included in the final version of the app which is being used in the study. Similar work was also displayed at the European Cystic Fibrosis Society conference.

Research we fund

The Trust is committed to funding and supporting cutting-edge research to find new and better treatments for cystic fibrosis.

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