Using the research evaluation software Researchfish



Researchfish is a research evaluation software we use to collect data on the impact of research we fund.

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Cystic Fibrosis Trust uses the online database Researchfish to gather information about the outcomes of the research we fund. Read on to find out more about how Researchfish works and how to submit your data. The submission round for 2024 has now closed. We will ask for submissions again in 2025.

  • Why does the Trust use Researchfish?

    Researchfish allows us to collect consistent data on the impact of the research we fund. We use this data to share what has been achieved through our research funding schemes with the CF community, it helps us to evaluate the outcomes of our funding and helps us to generate income to continue to fund CF research into the future.

  • What is Researchfish?

    Researchfish is an online database used to gather outputs and outcomes from research grants awarded by many research funding agencies in the UK and abroad.

    For research funders it allows us to collect information in a uniform way across our research portfolio. For researchers, as many funders use this software, it allows them to store information on outcomes and outputs in one central place, making it easier to share with respective research funders.

  • Who should submit Researchfish returns?

    In 2024 we asked for Researchfish returns on the following awards:

    • Strategic research centre grants (SRCs) that have been going for longer than a year
    • Venture and Innovation awards (VIAs) that have been going for longer than a year
    • SRCs for five years after our funding has finished
    • VIAs for three years after our funding has finished

    Submission of data to Researchfish is an additional requirement to providing us with annual progress reports. We’re still keen to hear about progress on achieving the aims of your research grant as set out in your original funding proposal.

  • How do I submit my data on Researchfish?

    Step 1: Accept the invitation to submit

    To add data on your Trust grant within Researchfish, you will need to accept an invitation to submit data. This is an email with an invitation link sent via the Researchfish software.

    If you haven’t used Researchfish before, you will need to create an account, and you will be guided through the steps to do this.

    If you have used Researchfish before, but haven’t reported on the specific grant we’ve asked for data on before, you will need to accept the invitation to submit data on this grant.

    If you've submitted data to the Trust on a specific grant before, you don't need to accept an invite to add your data. (Go straight to step 2!).

    Step 2: Submit your data

    Once you've accepted the invitation, you will be asked to ‘submit’ outcomes and outputs that are relevant to Cystic Fibrosis Trust-funded research to us, during our submission window.

    It is possible to delegate or ‘nominate’ different members of the team to add data on your behalf.

    When you've finished, don't forget to press the 'submit' button! We can’t see your research portfolio on Researchfish, so the only way for us to access your output and outcome information is via submitting the data to us.

  • When do I need to submit the data?

    We will be next be asking you to submit your data in Spring 2025, dates to be confirmed. This is the same time window as other research funders eg UKRI are using.

  • Do I still need to submit progress reports to the Trust?

    Yes, completion of a Researchfish data entry is additional to the annual progress reports that provide us with progress on achieving the aims of your research grant as set out in your original funding proposal.

  • More information on how to submit

    We've compiled a list of tips that you might find helpful as you add data to your Researchfish account.

    There is a Help section on the Researchfish website which contains information on how to re-send an invitation email, reset your password, browse the user guide, watch help videos or join an introductory webinar. 

    If you can’t find answers to your technical questions, you can email or livechat with colleagues at Researchfish.

    For other queries, please contact us.

  • How do we use your Researchfish data?

    We are using your Researchfish data to explain to the CF community, to donors and our Trustees the difference that our research funding has made. Our research impact reports include data you submitted into Researchfish.

    2022 Research impact report

    2021 Research impact report

    We may want to share specific impacts that you’ve told us about in future reports and publications, and we’ll get in touch with you if we do. We also collectively analyse the Researchfish data to evaluate whether our research funding is making progress towards the aims in our research strategy.

Research we fund

The Trust is committed to funding and supporting cutting-edge research to find new and better treatments for cystic fibrosis.

Research stategy

Find out about our research priorities and how and when we are allocating funding to meet these requirements and have the greatest impact on cystic fibrosis research.

Research noticeboard

Full of useful reminders of grant deadlines, conferences and workshops, this is your go-to page for important information to progress your research.

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